This monster girl is a cheky fairy, and she’s caught you in her trap! This audio work wil take almost every oportunity to remind you thathis monster girl is tiny compared to you. Many of the activities include size disparity in some form. If that’s your thing, this for you! Like other audio works from this circle, there are two diferent endings depending on your tastes. I always enjoy split endings in works, and this one does not detract from the overal enjoyment!
首先,而且这个社团的其他作品我也有入。每个魔物娘在声线和性格方面都非常独特,妖精是古灵精怪的性格,她们的声线也有点类似于雌小鬼,听起来真的能给人一种12cm东西舔耳朵的感觉。 OK接下来,我要谈我自己的癖好。首先附身类的音声作品我听了不少了。虽然这一部在附身方面最后给人一种电视机断线的感觉,但整体表现还是不错的。当然,如果想要完全理解剧情,个人建议还是有点日语底子再听体验会更好。 这里建议先试听一下免费版本,看是否符合口味。因为这个社团的其他魔物娘作品也非常出色,如果预算有限,最好先购买自己喜欢的作品。当然,如果经费宽裕,那就随意了。 然后照常,附身类作品我固定催更好吧,你出我就掏钱。