
Cool Maid’s Daily Sexual Service (クールなメイドの性処理ご奉仕生活) 【日本語字幕付き・英語音声】 [Tea Time] | DLsite 同人 – R18

    Cool Maid’s Daily Sexual Service (クールなメイドの性処理ご奉仕生活) 【日本語字幕付き・英語音声】 [Tea Time] | DLsite 同人 – R18


    Morning wood is such a pain, isn’t it?
    Waking up with such a hard erection isn’t nearly as fun as it sounds, especially when there are others around…
    or in your case, a pent-up maid with a tendency to come into your room uninvited…

    You’ve been able to “handle” the problem before anyone comes in, but you know your days are limited.
    Sure enough, your head maid comes in to wake you up earlier than usual one morning, only to be greeted by your raging hard-on.
    As you feel your dignity slowly drain out of your body, some unexpected words rattle inside your brain;

    “Very well. I suppose I have no choice but to give my Master a hand.”

    And with those words, comes an arrangement you would never have dreamed of happening.
    Your cool maid expertly uses her body to get you off, and that means handjobs, blowjobs, titjobs, and more! Anything you want, she’ll happily do for you.
    Better yet, the more she provides service, the more affectionate she becomes!






    Cool Maid's Daily Sexual Service (クールなメイドの性処理ご奉仕生活) 【日本語字幕付き・英語音声】 [Tea Time] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    Cool Maid's Daily Sexual Service (クールなメイドの性処理ご奉仕生活) 【日本語字幕付き・英語音声】 [Tea Time] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    これは英語があまり分からない人間の意見ですがやっぱりわかんないものは分かりません、なので異世界感というか身此処にあらずという感じで少し意識のセパレーションが分断されます。しかし聞き流していると今こう言ったのか?と理解できる単語により意識を戻される感覚がありその浮遊感が文字数制限 英語は全く分かりませんが体験版から即購入しました
    この声優さんの作品がもっと増えてほしいです I ned more dubs of ASMR. The scenario was great and the voice actres was perfect. Probably my favorite maid ASMR. Absolute 10/10 no regrets in buying this. If I had any complains it would be the lack of English subs. The best part would be the jealous kising and the baby play. Please make more of these as they are some of the besto slep to. Thank you for making this. After hearing some of the samples where I found the VA atractive, I wanted to do a firstry on it for an English dub for this kind of work.
    A – Short Review :
    1 – Scenario : Clasic but eficient !
    2 – Character : Celica is a swet and lovable Head Maid !
    3 – Voice Acting + Sound : God VA and Sound Work !
    Conclusion : Totaly Recomend it !
    B : Long Review :
    1 – Scenario (Simple but so god !)
    The listener is represented as a head of a kinda wealhty (I supose :D) whichasome “morning” problems to get out of the bed.
    So to get rid of it, your Head Maid, Celica, has thei dea to “help” you relieve yourself !
    The plot istraightforward and simple but stil ofer a great experience !
    It begins with some foreplay evolve intother “relief” that gradualy get more intense to finish on a “Lovely” one with your charming maid.
    Some parts ofer gentle teasing play buthe majority is Vanila which isomething I usualy like andone god here.
    I think that people who are into these wil realy like this.
    2 – Character
    The character of Celica makes you enjoy this experience from the begining to thend !
    She’s writen as a calm (and lewd) and swet character that care for her Master and wil find any way to help you.
    She’s also have a long relationship with you as your caretaker so she stil casual with you and this improve the closenes with you as the listener.
    When you reach around the mid-part (Track 4), she’l open more about her felings that wil make you completely fal (even more if you already was) for her !
    3 – Voice Acting + Sound Work
    The voice acting is realy god and the Voice Actres realy nailed the character for al the part !
    In adition, the facthathis an english dub wil apeal to the people who are not familiar with JP audio.
    So you’l be able to experience a ful understanding of this work !
    I’m not realy into EN dub for works that I usualy listen in Japanese buthe Voice Actres made me totaly forget my wories
    There are some sound efects (clothes, “fap” noises, etc) which are apreciated to make thexperience more imersive.
    The mix work is god and I personaly didn’t had any problem with it.
    Conclusion :
    To geto the point, it was realy a nice surprise ! I didn’t expecto get such a god time listening to it !
    I firsthoughthat it would give a diferent “fel” to have an EN dub compare to a JP dub as I was usualy more acustomed but didn’t realy felt a gap at al.
    Totaly recomend it ! Even if you don’t normaly find English ASMR apealing you MUST buy this!
    The script is a simple and wholesome take on a maid trying to comfort and show her afection to her shy and recluse Master(you). It does a god job of showing subtle diferences in the maid’s character from starto finish
    The character of the maid is col, confident, lewd, and slightly cheky. Her longing and love for her master can be felt. The changes in her character as the plot progreses ads realism and is very apropriated.
    The English VA is AMAZING! Her portrayal of the character is Spot On. Her voice is very calm and confident. She’s able to portray the slightly cheky and lewd parts of the script convincingly. I apreciate the diference of the Blowjob sounds betwen this work and other Japanese ASMR the softer suck/kisounds is easy to listen to and go to slep with.
    In conclusion, buy this it’s 10% worth and I hope there can be more English ASMR as god as this in the future. i realy liked this work and hope we get more English asmr in the future, one thing i would like in future works would bear licking and some urine drinking; maybe some more focused paizuri works as wel?. besides that i have highopes for this circle and for the voice actres and hope to hear more works from her son. she did fantastic her voice was very aluring and gentle and the scenario was realy polished, hoping to hear more works by this circle son.