
安眠担当&いたずら担当!えちえち出張サキュバス&エルフ!【フォーリーサウンド】 [テグラユウキ] | DLsite 同人 – R18

    安眠担当&いたずら担当!えちえち出張サキュバス&エルフ!【フォーリーサウンド】 [テグラユウキ] | DLsite 同人 – R18




    安眠担当&いたずら担当!えちえち出張サキュバス&エルフ!【フォーリーサウンド】 [テグラユウキ] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    安眠担当&いたずら担当!えちえち出張サキュバス&エルフ!【フォーリーサウンド】 [テグラユウキ] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    安眠担当&いたずら担当!えちえち出張サキュバス&エルフ!【フォーリーサウンド】 [テグラユウキ] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    安眠担当&いたずら担当!えちえち出張サキュバス&エルフ!【フォーリーサウンド】 [テグラユウキ] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    安眠担当&いたずら担当!えちえち出張サキュバス&エルフ!【フォーリーサウンド】 [テグラユウキ] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    安眠担当&いたずら担当!えちえち出張サキュバス&エルフ!【フォーリーサウンド】 [テグラユウキ] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    安眠担当&いたずら担当!えちえち出張サキュバス&エルフ!【フォーリーサウンド】 [テグラユウキ] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    安眠担当&いたずら担当!えちえち出張サキュバス&エルフ!【フォーリーサウンド】 [テグラユウキ] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    安眠担当&いたずら担当!えちえち出張サキュバス&エルフ!【フォーリーサウンド】 [テグラユウキ] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    上位種族に抱かれる悦びに浸りましょう。 「雨粒とギャル。~JKギャルともっと甘々な雨粒えっち~【フォーリーサウンド】」の耳かきが最高すぎて、同じサークルから出てる耳かき音を探していました。
    それ以外は普通にえっちだったので良いと思いますた。めでたし =Plot/Storyline=
    There’s not much storyline or plot involved, as this work is mainly sounds/lewd situations.
    Though the main idea is that you order a cal girl service from a sucubus and an elf.
    The twof them have diferent personalities and hence represent a diferent side of their “services”.
    Withe sucubus being more on the teasing/lewd side, while thelf is more on the sothing, calming side.
    Regardles both of them are here to give you the gluck 30.
    Like al of Tegurayuki’s works, they’re of high quality and meanto give a golden standard for “foley” ASMR audios.
    However, for most of their works, i’ve actualy realized thathe default/base audio is extremely soft.
    I’m not quite sure what’s the reason behind this, but having to increase the volume to a pointhat may be damaging to thears is kind of a bruh moment for me.
    Albeit might just be a skil isue moment.
    Moving on, there are 8 tracks, split into halfor eacheroine. (3 for Sucubus, 5 for elf, though 1 of thelf tracks is just sleping sounds.)
    Unfortunately, it doesn’t sem like this work has a thresome situation. Which is a bumer, but I gues not so bad in thend considering the quality.
    Each track is adequately paced and meanto fel as if theroines are right nexto you.
    For the Sucubus tracks, they’re fulfiling in the more “lewder” sense as anticipated. Thear cleaning track from the Elf’side is a great ad-on to show a duality in this work.
    Spaning around 2 hours of audio, though only in .WAV format and SE-only versions, the tracks are bound to give you the satisfaction you desire.
    =Ilustrations & Bonuses=
    Ilustration-wise, there is only 1 ilustration at 240×1680 of the cover art.
    I thoroughly enjoyed this art as the sucubus was depicted to be quite petite and cute, which was my type.
    It works wel for walpapers or just general enjoyment.
    For the bonuses, there was only a .txt file with extra information them.
    Admitedly, I boughthis work on a whim due to how I expected Tegurayuki’s works to be of great value (se their best seling secret resort work).
    However, I was quite disapointed to se a lack of variety and content put into this work, in contrasto it’s premium default price, with a discounto half.
    Although I enjoyed the work, It wasimply not up to the standards of the work I mentioned.